New Dronabinol Formulations
Present Commercial
Dronabinol Gel-cap Formulations
Poor and erratic absorption due to insolubility, with some patients achieving very high levels and others achieving very low levels.
Rapid and extensive first-pass liver metabolism, resulting in low blood levels and a relatively short half-life (approximately 2 - 3 hours) which is not optimally suited for therapeutic indications requiring blood levels to be sustained for 6 hours or longer.
Undesirable side effects from high dosage strength required to achieve sustained, therapeutic blood levels
New Lipid Based Dronabinol Formula
Strident goals achieved on bench scale
About to begin scaled up manufacturing with AB Initio
Worldwide patents pending
Potential for use in other indications for dronabinol
Potentially applicable for other insoluble compounds
Excipients can even be used in OTC applications
Dronabinol Development Status
Positive Phase 2A & 2B studies in the treatment of OSA
Using the 505(b)(2) regulatory approach in the U.S., existing labelling information of an approved Listed Drug (Marinol) and/or published literature may be used to meet certain regulatory requirements for product approval.
Joint development agreement with Noramco/Purisys for API
New propietary formulation about to be GMP manufactured for clinical PK/PD studies
Services agreements with iNGENu CRO, RespireRx and Ab Initio